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About the Department

Committed to Excellence

The Department of Communication offers the full spectrum of research and teaching in the discipline of communication. We are housed in the Language and Communication Building (LNCO), equipped with state-of-the art teaching and research facilities, including a telecommunication production facility, film and digital photography labs, web labs, print design labs, interaction labs, and two large media presentation classrooms.

Our Programs

We are committed to excellence across the full range of communication research and teaching, offering top-notch PhD, MA, MS, BA, and BS degrees, as well as four undergraduate emphases.

Our Certificates

The Department offers three excellent certificate programs geared toward enhancing professional development for undergraduate, graduate, and nonmatriculated students though research-informed content.

Dialogue, Conflict Resolution, and Mediation

This two-semester program is designed for working professionals who want to develop advanced communication and process skills, and training necessary to be successful in mediation, negotiation, and facilitation of dialogue. Many graduates of this program go on to receive state of Utah mediation certification.


Health Communication

Health communication is a crucial concern and a top priority as the nature, forms, and functions of health care and health information shift dramatically in contemporary society. Participants of this 18-hour program study how communication about health is co-created, transmitted, received, constructed, and circulated.

Last Updated: 7/11/24